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Cadillac CTS Coupe 2011-2014, 2-door, Coupe (6 piece Stainless Steel Wheel Well Accent Trim 0.87" Width With 3M adhesive installation and black rubber gasket edging.) WQ50254 QAA

Wheel Well Accent Trim

  • Number Of Pieces: 6
  • Material: Stainless Steel
0.87" Width With 3M adhesive installation and black rubber gasket edging.


WHEEL WELL FENDER Accessory Trim has a very low profile against the vehicle. A rubber gasket edging is applied to the upper edge to provide added visibility and protection. Wheel Well Fender Accessory Trim is pre-formed for each model from a Highly Polished Stainless Steel, with a full 3M acrylic foam adhesive backing to enhance the look of your vehicle.